Re: JNDI properties for remote lookup

From: <>
Date: Fri, 08 May 2009 07:41:20 PDT

> Is workplace a canonical host name ?


> Have you checked whether GlassFish is listening on
> workplace:19438 or not ?

GlassFish is listening on the following IIOP ports:
* SLL (Listener Port: 14938, Network Address:
* orb-listener-1 (Listener Port: 14937, Network Address:
* SSL_MUTUALAUTH (Listener Port: 14939, Network Address:

I have checked the ports with netstat on the server

> Are you using developer or cluster setups ?
I'm using developer setup

> Looks like GlassFish v2 has very surprising
> difficulties to handle hostnames or hosts with
> several IP addresses.

The server has two IP addresses; is resolved via "nslookup workplace"; is a virtual one (according to our companies system administrator)

> In a different thread, I have asked about any other
> people having difficulties with configurations like
> these. You may be.
> It may be a good idea for you to describe further
> your own architecture so that we can see whether this
> may be the same problem again.

Some notes to our architecture:
We are using an JEE container for providing a set of EJB services, that should be accessed by several web-applications; the EJB services are deployed on a test environment (RedHat Linux). The development is done on Windows XP; tomcat is used as local web-container while developing the web-applications. Therefore, we need a remote lookup to access the EJBs running on the test environment (GlassFish on workplace).

A question concerning the IIOP listeners configuration. Do I have to provide the IP address instead of

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