Re: Glashfish 2.1 clustering (2 machine setup)

From: <>
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 01:50:43 PDT

Hi Satyajit,

Thank you for your great concern....

I have followed the steps you have given as part of your previous mail
I observed the following things...

On the Second machine :-
asadmin > list-node-agents (Verify the node status)

when I ran the above command it is not showing the our required(mynodeagent_new) in the running mode.

then I have executed the following command. When I executed the following command It is asking me the admin username , admin password and master password
I have entered the admin username as "admin"password "adminadmin" and master password as "changeit"

C:\Sun\AppServer\bin>asadmin start-node-agent --startinstances=true --syncinstances=true mynodeagnet_new
Please enter the admin user name>admin
Please enter the admin password>
Please enter the master password [Enter to accept the default]:>
Redirecting output to C:/Sun/AppServer/nodeagents/mynodeagnet_new/agent/logs/ser
Redirecting application output to C:/Sun/AppServer/nodeagents/mynodeagnet_new/ag
Command start-node-agent executed successfully.

C:\Sun\AppServer\bin>asadmin list-node-agents
mynodeagent not running
mynodeagent_01 running
Command list-node-agents executed successfully.

In the above one it is not showing "mynodeagent_new" in running mode even I started it.After this again I ran the below command..

C:\Sun\AppServer\bin>asadmin start-node-agent --startinstances=true --syncinstances=true mynodeagnet_new
mynodeagnet_new is already running.

but in the list of nodes running "mynodeagent_new" is not there and in the DAS console control it is in Stopped status.

I observed the above things. Is anything I missed out?

Thanks in advance,
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