Re: Glashfish 2.1 clustering (2 machine setup)

From: Satyajit Tripathi <Satyajit.Tripathi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 18:17:27 +0530
Hello Krishna,

Please run the following command and verify the output

On the Second machine :-
asadmin > list-node-agents   (Verify the node status)

If running,
asadmin> create-instance  --host gis77  --port 4848  --nodeagent mynodeagnet_new  --cluster mycluster_01  myinstance_03

If not running,
asadmin> start-node-agent --startinstances=true --syncinstances=true mynodeagnet_new

asadmin> list-instances --host gis77  --port 4848  --cluster mycluster_01

Please let me know your observations ?

Thanks & regards

My Blog at wrote:
Hello Satyajit,

Thank you for your response....

I have done as you posted in the message.I have created node manager in second manchine with the following command..

 C:\Sun\AppServer\bin>asadmin create-node-agent --host gis77 --port 4848 mynodeagnet_new
Please enter the admin user name>admin
Please enter the admin password>
Command create-node-agent executed successfully.

C:\Sun\AppServer\bin>asadmin start-node-agent mynodeagnet_new
Please enter the admin user name>admin
Please enter the admin password>
Please enter the master password [Enter to accept the default]:>
Redirecting output to C:/Sun/AppServer/nodeagents/mynodeagnet_new/agent/logs/ser
Redirecting application output to C:/Sun/AppServer/nodeagents/mynodeagnet_new/ag
Command start-node-agent executed successfully.

gis77( is the first machine address in while DAS is running at port 4848.

after the above setup I will be able to see the node manager in my fist machine 
but it is in stop mode, even I started it in the second machine it is showing in stop mode in the first machine admin console control.Even if I stoped and started again it is showing same.

After the above step I have created cluster and while creating instance in the cluster I have reffered first machine node agent for the first instance and 
while creating second instance I have referred second machine node agent(i.e above created node agnet : [b]mynodeagnet_new[/b]).
While starting the cluster the I got the following error...

[b]Not all server instances in cluster mycluster_01 were successfully started. Node Agent mynodeagent_new must be running before the instance myinstance_03 can be started or stopped.[/b] 

Even I started the second machine node agent it is showing above message.

How to avoid this problem?

please suggest me the right approach..

Thanks in advance...
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