Re: Access control on an HTTP listener or virtual server?

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 12:27:37 -0700

Hi Gabor,

On 03/19/09 01:49 AM, Gabor Szokoli wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using glassfish v2.1, and I like it :-)
> I'd like to impose security realm based access restrictions on an HTTP
> listener or Virtual Server (I don't care which, I have a 1-1 mapping.)
> Access to all web applications via that listener/server would require
> authentication (BASIC or DIGEST), and I'd like to avoid adding
> security-constraints to all the web.xml-s.
> I understand the great benefits of flexibility and specificity the
> per-application web.xml security configuration offers, I just don't
> need any of it now.
> Pretty much as if I had an apache proxy in front of my app. server
> doing the authentication, which I wanted to skip in this deployment,
> since supposedly we don't need it for serving up static content
> anymore :-)
> My google-foo is failing me on this one, all I can find is certificate
> based authentication in the listener (I'd like a file realm backed
> basic or digest), and auditing in the server.

Have you considered configuring your virtual-server with a custom valve
that would perform the authentication?

You would specify your valve (including its fully qualified class name)
as a property of your virtual server.

Let us know if you have any questions on how to do this.


> Thanks in advance for any advice!
> Gabor Szokoli
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