EJB, WAR and List as a method argument

From: miro-zet <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:27:54 -0700 (PDT)

Hi everybody,

I'm developing a simple j2ee application, that consists of one EJB and one
webapplication. Both of these are deployed on the glassfish application
server. For several reasons I cannot put both modules into the EAR
application, but I have to deploy them as individual modules.

For this reason I have put the EJB jar file also into the WEB-INF/lib of the
web application. Everything works fine in this scenario apart from one case.
I will illustrate this rather on an example.

I have defined a simple method in my EJB (OrderDAOImpl that implemets
OrderRemote and OrderLocal interfaces):
void doSomething(List<Product> list){ something
where Product is a class defined in the EJB jar archive

when I try to call this method in the webapplication:
orderDAO = (OrderRemote) ic.lookup("orderDAO");
List<Product> list = new ArrayList<Product>();
list.add(new Product());

i get an exception:
WARNING: "IOP00810257: (MARSHAL) Could not load class
org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: vmcid: SUN minor code: 257 completed: Maybe
 ... stacktrace continues...

exception is thrown before the implementation of doSomething methos is
entered. It seem like the there is a problem with
serialization/deserialization/classloading of the ArrayList. Cannot it be
caused because webapplication and EJB use different classloaders
(WebappClassLoader and EJBClassLoader)? Is it possible to set, that both -
the web application and also ejb use the same classloader?

when I modified the function:
void doSomething(Product product){ something
everything worked.

Thanks in advance,
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