Re: registration module - beta

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 20:04:41 +0100

Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
> I finished the alpha.version of my registration module, based on the
> Glassfish resources: JMS, JavaMail & EJB
> If you have interest and time, please test it and tell me if anything
> went wrong.. you are friendly invited to crash it if you can.. my goal
> is to detect problems - if they exist :) - as soon as possible..
> the project and the open source community say "thanks" .... and glory
> for Glassfish, a powerful and nice container.. the joy of my evenings
> :)

Hi Felipe,

first: The header image is cropped (in Seamonkey and Firefox but fine in
Safari). BTW: It also looks very different in Safari and Firefox.

I also cannot see the captcha. In Seamonkey's error console I see the
following error:

Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Object cannot be created in
this context" code: "9" nsresult: "0x80530009
Line: 12"]

This is present in Firefox as well. Safari also does not display any

In addition to this I always get two hints after submitting the form:
Wrong password
Captcha invalid

The first is weird since I entered the same password in both fields -
though containing German Umlauts as a special testcase ;-) I think,
though, that this is due to the captcha problem.

And finally I received a 500 error page (not nice looking) with a
ViewExpiredException later on.

Hope this helps,

Wolfram Rittmeyer