SunONE perfdump issue with SunONE 6.1SP10

From: <>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 16:49:49 PDT

Hi everyone,

I have managed to setup perfdump to run on our SunONE 6.1SP5 webserver. Then we upgraded to 6.1SP10 and it stopped working, we get Page cannot be displayed on the web browser. I have checked the config files involved (obj.conf and magnus.conf and they still have the same perfdump settings as before). Can anybody assist? Thanks in advance.

I followed the instructions as outlined on this link:
that involves editing the obj.conf and magnus.conf to also activate statistics

When accessing the website's URL/.perf, I got the following on the logfiles

Errors log file:

[16/Mar/2009:10:42:28] config ( 9227): for host trying to GET /.perf, func_exec reports: HTTP2120: no handler function given for directive

Access log file: - - [16/Mar/2009:10:42:28 +1100] "GET /.perf HTTP/1.1" 500 425
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