RE: Re: javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException: Invalid Session Key

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 17:16:32 +0100


thank you for your kind explanations about exception handling. To sum up:

* The error message can only occur with SFSBs but not SLSBs. Great, there are only few SFSBs in my code so it should be easy to discover the right one.

* The client should have received the causing exception. Well, the customers swears that there was no exception in the client.

* The server should have logged the exception. Well, I checked the server.log file and there actually was none.

So in fact I don't know what to do now: try-catch everything makes no sense I think, and GlassFish doesn't like to tell me the original causing exception that dropped the session...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wolfram Rittmeyer []
> Sent: Sonntag, 15. März 2009 13:55
> To:
> Subject: Re: javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException: Invalid Session Key
> Markus Karg wrote:
> > Wolfram,
> >
> >> This happens when a RuntimeException (or RemoteException) gets
> thrown
> >> and is not caught within your SFSB. As soon as the container catches
> >> it,
> >> your bean is toast. Thus you should look carefully at any calls you
> >> make
> >> to other components and catch possible RuntimeExceptions and throw
> an
> >> application-dependent exception instead. Any declared Exceptions
> > (other
> >> than Remote- and RuntimeExceptions) are expected exceptions and do
> not
> >> cause your bean to be destroyed.
> >
> > Is this EJB 3.0 compliant? I mean, if that is true then actually EACH
> > method of EACH SB must be surrounded by try...catch(RuntimeException)
> --
> > what would be a lot of work! Can't believe that EJB 3 says that a SB
> > shall shut down if it catches a RuntimeException. Does it?
> It is compliant. See section 4.4.2.:
> A RuntimeException thrown from any method of the session bean class
> (including the business methods and the lifecycle callback interceptor
> methods invoked by the container) results in the transition to the
> "does
> not exist" state. Exception handling is described in detail in Chapter
> 13. See section 11.4.2 for the rules pertaining to lifecycle callback
> interceptor methods when more than one such method applies to the bean
> class.
> From the client perspective, the corresponding session object does not
> exist any more. If a client subsequently attempts to invoke a method on
> the bean's business interface, the container will throw the
> javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException[16]. If the EJB 2.1 client view is used,
> the container will throw the java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException if the
> client is a remote client, or the javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException
> if the client is a local client.
> See also section 13.3.1.
> But there is no need to act upon it in SLSBs. In this case it doesn't
> matter that the instance is discarded. The next call simply uses
> another
> bean from the pool. So this problem is only relevant for stateful
> session beans.
> BTW: I guess the reasoning is that a system exception causes the bean
> to
> be in an unreliable state since you have not been able to clean up
> after
> the exception. Thus this instance rightfully must be abandoned.
> There is also a third way to deal with this - you could use your own
> RuntimeExceptions that themself are annotated as @ApplicationException.
> But this of course only helps with code where you have control over
> which RuntimeException to throw. So it is probably of no use to you.
> > And, wouldn't there be a log entry in server.log naming that
> > RuntimeException? In my log there is none.
> >
> Hmm, strange. I have just simulated this and the causing
> RuntimeException is logged.
> >> The other option is, that your client code realizes that an
> exception
> >> has occured and thus creates a new SFSB to use from then on.
> >
> > Well, that would imply a lot of cluttering in the client code:
> Actually
> > you must catch the RemoteException at each of possibly thousands of
> > locations to recreate the session and retry the command...
> Your client has to deal with the exception anyway. The transaction has
> been rolled back, the bean has been discarded and an exception has been
> thrown. The user probably should know about this, you might want to log
> the exception and so on. How do you deal with this?
> >
> > BTW, is there any chance to see the cause of the session closure in
> some
> > log file?
> Well it should be logged. But the loglevel is INFO. For productive
> systems not the best choice IMHO. I suggest to issue a bug report to
> change this log level for future versions.
> --
> Wolfram Rittmeyer
> >
> > Thanks for you kind answer, now I know what to look for...
> > Regards
> > Markus
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