Re: cannot connect to glassfish or run any projects because server wont start

From: <>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 16:14:42 PDT

http://localhost:8080 is the address for tomcat

http://localhost:4848 is the address for glassfish and I get the error on 4848 not 8080. I only use 8080 for tomcat.

here is the output when i try to deploy simple "hello world":

Created dir: C:\Sun\AppServer\HelloChris\build\web\WEB-INF\classes
Created dir: C:\Sun\AppServer\HelloChris\build\web\META-INF
Copying 1 file to C:\Sun\AppServer\HelloChris\build\web\META-INF
Copying 3 files to C:\Sun\AppServer\HelloChris\build\web
Created dir: C:\Sun\AppServer\HelloChris\dist
Building jar: C:\Sun\AppServer\HelloChris\dist\HelloChris.war
The Sun Java System Application Server could not start.
More information about the cause is in the Server log file.
Possible reasons include:
 - IDE timeout: refresh the server node to see if it's running now.
 - Port conflicts. (use netstat -a to detect possible port numbers already used by the operating system.)
 - Incorrect server configuration (domain.xml to be corrected manually)
 - Corrupted Deployed Applications preventing the server to start.(This can be seen in the server.log file. In this case, domain.xml needs to be modified).
 - Invalid installation location.
C:\Sun\AppServer\HelloChris\nbproject\build-impl.xml:545: Deployment error:
The Sun Java System Application Server could not start.
More information about the cause is in the Server log file.
Possible reasons include:
 - IDE timeout: refresh the server node to see if it's running now.
 - Port conflicts. (use netstat -a to detect possible port numbers already used by the operating system.)
 - Incorrect server configuration (domain.xml to be corrected manually)
 - Corrupted Deployed Applications preventing the server to start.(This can be seen in the server.log file. In this case, domain.xml needs to be modified).
 - Invalid installation location.
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 31 seconds)
[Message sent by forum member 'cgmrain' (cgmrain)]