Re: cannot connect to glassfish or run any projects because server wont start

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 22:40:26 +0100

In this log file all but one attempts to start GlassFish failed because
port 8080 was already in use. If - for example - you are using Tomcat in
parallel this can cause this problem. If you have to use both at the
same time you have to change the port settings on one of both systems
(if GlassFish doesn't start you still can do this by editing the file

The last of your attempts looks like it has been successful. Though
after two minutes the system was shut down due to a shutdown command

So I guess stopping the other app that uses port 8080 solves your problem.

Wolfram Rittmeyer