Re: Glassfish in Solaris Zones

From: Sathyan Catari <Sathyan.Catari_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 09:04:23 -0700

Please see if this helps

The article has references to zone related sources also that might be of
help to you.


Michael Mellinger wrote:
> I would like to set up several Glassfish v2 in zones on Solaris 10 so
> we can have a few test/qa servers. A standard zone shares /opt, where
> I normally place Glassfish. I want to keep Glassfish on 8080 in
> each zone so I want a seperate Glassfish install for each zone. Are
> other people doing this? Is it best to create a user dir and install
> Glassfish there? I'll probably want to include Apache and MySql in
> each zone too.
> Maybe I want a separate /opt for each zone? I've only done the "Hello
> world" zones so I'm still new to them.
> -Mike