Chicago (Midwest) area - OpenSSO/OpenDS/Glassfish - anyone?

From: Kiran Ramineni <>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 19:45:30 -0600

I would like to propose a Chicago area (Midwest) openSSO/openDs/Glassfish
user group community. Some of the objectives are to

(1) Share thoughts and knowledge

(2) Share challenges others are facing and offer potential solutions

(3) Importantly, network often (monthly/quarterly) and meet either in small
groups or as a larger event - like a community group

(4) Offer/Contribute to the openSSO community.


I would like to suggest the following topics for a presentation by one or
two individuals.


(1) OpenSSO deployment on Glassfish, Using a separate user store

(2) Implementing Identity Federation - securing interactions between
Browser, IDP and SP

(3) Brainstorm Federation business cases

(4) Integrating OpenSSO with IDM/Portals

(5) Any other topics (Glassfish/openDS)


If any of you are interested, please send me an email
(, or or to the usergroup.


Best Regards

Kiran Ramineni