I have a BPEL application which invokes the Web service. The URL in the WSDL file for the web service (stateless ejb) includes the port name as {HttpDefaultPort}.
Now when I deploy my BPEL composite App and Stateless EJB in cluster environment, both are using the different port.
e.g Cluster has two nodeagents/instances
1. rjoshi-mac-nodeagent/instance runs on 38080
2. rjoshi-xp-nodagent/instance runs on 38081
Here my Stateless WS service uses 38080/38081 based on the instance but Bpel CompositeApp uses 39080/39091 and it expects the Stateless WS to run on 39080 or 39081.
How do I fix these issues? I don't want to hard-core the port in the WSDL file.
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