Re: Cannot remove zlib.pyd when uninstalling

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:57:31 -0700

Unless you changed any of the updatetool default settings, updatetool
notifier process would automatically get registered with the desktop and
run as soon as you either installed Prelude or bootstrapped updatetool
utility. GF Prelude uninstaller will unregister notifier startup, but it
seems that this does not also stop already running notifier process so
files which are in use will not get properly uninstalled. If this is the
case, you should see updatetool.exe and python.exe process in the
process list of the Task Manager.

FWIW, zlib.pyd is legitimate part of python installation used to run
updatetool and pkg clients, cc-ing dev_at_updatecenter alias if you have
any further questions on this aspect of your problem.


Snjezana wrote:

>Hi everybody,
>At one moment I tried to reinstall the Glassfishv3-prelude server. I ran the uninstall.exe, but after doing so, I could not delete the install map, because of the file <as-install>\pkg\python2.4-minimal\DLLs\zlib.pyd, which was still in use. Restarting my computer did not fix this.
>If you google zlib.pyd, you find a lot of spyware-related hits, but also a lot which makes me believe that it is a genuine part of Python, whatever that is. So I am not sure what to make of it.
>I renamed my old as-install map, and installed glassfish again. After this I was able to delete the old as-install map, but now there is a zlib.pyd at the same location in the new as-install map. It seems to have got there the moment I registered the server, it wasn't there before that.
>Is pkg\python2.4-minimal\DLLs\zlib.pyd a normal part of glassfishv3, and if that is so, why can't uninstall.exe get rid of it?
>Best regards, Dries Knottnerus
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