Re: Cannot remove zlib.pyd when uninstalling

From: Sathyan Catari <Sathyan.Catari_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 01:17:48 -0700 wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> At one moment I tried to reinstall the Glassfishv3-prelude server. I ran the uninstall.exe, but after doing so, I could not delete the install map, because of the file <as-install>\pkg\python2.4-minimal\DLLs\zlib.pyd, which was still in use. Restarting my computer did not fix this.
> If you google zlib.pyd, you find a lot of spyware-related hits, but also a lot which makes me believe that it is a genuine part of Python, whatever that is. So I am not sure what to make of it.
> I renamed my old as-install map, and installed glassfish again. After this I was able to delete the old as-install map, but now there is a zlib.pyd at the same location in the new as-install map. It seems to have got there the moment I registered the server, it wasn't there before that.
> Is pkg\python2.4-minimal\DLLs\zlib.pyd a normal part of glassfishv3, and if that is so, why can't uninstall.exe get rid of it?
May be updatetool was running when the uninstall program was
uninstalling the product. Can u please check that next time you run into
this issue?
> Best regards, Dries Knottnerus
> [Message sent by forum member 'driesknottnerus' (driesknottnerus)]
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