On Mar 23, 2009, at 6:52 AM, glassfish_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> I got 2 pcs ,
> GlassFish v2.1 final , Apach2 2.2 Mod_JK , Suse Linux,
> Das, Apache Mok_JK , and Node 1 at (PCA)
> Node 2 at (PCB)
> Tested with a jsf web application with clusterjsf pages to show
> session in the project.
> Fail over test by changing the worker in apache to point to another
> instance,
Replication assumes session stickyness is maintained between the
requests, unless there is a real failover.
For the stickyness to work pls see the following blogs.
bring down the instance that serviced the request to test the
> Session lose happens randomly as I swap instance for each request I
> made and
> does not follows any pattern that can recreate the session lost.
> Test Case
> PCA ->Click Create -> SWAP PCB - > Insert Value and ->Create ->SWAP
> PCA -> Confirm
> Each request will be on a distinct node .. . .
> Any one had this problem before ?
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