RE: add enterprise app to composite app

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 11:34:02 -0500

Here is a hopefully inuitive example of an external library configured as a jbi shared-library
named sun-wsdl-library to be used by javaee_service_engine

--configure the component (in this case sun-wsdl-library)

--contents of jbi.xml are (notice the name of sun-wsdl-library)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- jbi.xml file for a sample shared library. -->

<!-- identification information about this shared library-->
            <description>This library provides WSDL 1.1/2.0 parsing support and message-wrapping utilities used to send WSDL 1.1-defined messages over the Normalized Message Router (NMR).</description>

--register the jbi component

--contents of jbi-registry.xml (notice the shared-library of sun-wsdl-library)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<jbi xmlns="">
        <component default-install="true" timestamp="1234825940187" file-name="httpbc.jar" name="sun-http-binding"/>
        <component default-install="true" timestamp="1234825940281" file-name="appserv-jbise.jar" name="sun-javaee-engine"/>
        <shared-library default-install="true" timestamp="1234825940312" file-name="wsdlsl.jar" name="sun-wsdl-library"/>
        <server name-ref="server">
            <component-ref workspace="%GLASSFISH_HOME%\domains\domain1/jbi/components/sun-http-binding/install_root/workspace" install-root="%GLASSFISH_HOME%\domains\domain1/jbi/components/sun-http-binding/install_root" state="Shutdown" name-ref="sun-http-binding"/>
            <component-ref workspace="%GLASSFISH_HOME%\domains\domain1/jbi/components/sun-javaee-engine/install_root/workspace" install-root="F:\GlassFish\domains\domain1/jbi/components/sun-javaee-engine/install_root" state="Shutdown" name-ref="sun-javaee-engine"/>
            <shared-library-ref install-root="F:\GlassFish\domains\domain1/jbi/shared-libraries/sun-wsdl-library/install_root" name-ref="sun-wsdl-library"/>

--find the location where you want to install (sun-javaee-engine) and install the component


--contents of jbi.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<!-- jbi.xml for JavaEE Service Engine -->
    xsi:schemaLocation=" ./jbi.xsd">

<!-- identification information about this binding -->
            <description> Java Enterprise Edition Service Engine
        <component-class-name description="Component Class name" >com.sun.enterprise.jbi.serviceengine.core.JavaEEServiceEngine</component-class-name>

the parent service component
requires the child shared library named
which is earlier configured as a shared library in $GLASSFISH_HOME\domains\domain1\jbi\shared-libraries\sun-wsdl-library\install_root\META-INF\jbi.xml

hope this clears up any misconceptions or lack of documentation

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Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 09:41:19 -0500
Subject: add enterprise app to composite app

Is it possible to
add an enterprise app to a composite app?
i am not able to do
so - i get a ZipException: ZIP_Read: error reading zip file
if one has a legacy
enterprise app, should one "Add JBI module" using the enterpise
should one "Add JBI
module" using the ejb and war module of the enterprise app?
i have spent a week
on this now - absolutely frustrating...
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