Re: _at_EJB injection for an _at_WebService object only works from the Admin Cons

From: <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 04:17:34 PST

Here are some code snippets to show the problem:

In the WebService implementation class I have:
@WebService(targetNamespace = "",
public class EchoItPortTypeImpl {

    private CustomerServiceLocal cs;

    public String echoIt(String it)

        return "Echo " + it +": " + cs;

In the Admin tester with URL 'http://localhost:8080/my-ws/EchoItService?tester' I get:
SOAP Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:EchoIt xmlns:ns2="">
SOAP Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:EchoItResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<echoedText>Echo 12: net.pascalalma.myservices.CustomerServiceLocal_16516284</echoedText>

In SoapUI with test url 'http://localhost:8080/my-ws/services/echoit' (based on content of web.xml):
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="">
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
      <ns2:EchoItResponse xmlns:ns2="">
         <echoedText>Echo 12: null</echoedText>

Why does Glassfish behave differently when using the expected URl instead of its internal constructed one ?
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