Re: Dynamic user registration

From: Felipe Gaúcho <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 07:22:09 +0100

well, I create JPA Entities that maps the JDBC realm tables..

I used the table definitions of this blog:

about your questions:

> - I guess all columns (username, password, groupname) have to be Strings, right?


> - Any min./ max. length restrictions?

no idea, but it should be flexible since the container seems to not
apply any constraints verification

> - Does the user table have to have a foreign key column for the group table?

no, and that's weird for me.. but, it is NxN relationship anyway..
someone better in DB may help..

> - How will the group table be used?

The Group == roles

> - What about roles? (It's not the same as a group, right?)

it is the same (same usage I mean)

> - What should I set to: (Note I translated the names to English myself, so maybe they are not 100% equal. How can change the language of the Glassfish Admin Console to English?):
> -- Assign Group: What is this used for? What should I set here?
leave blank
> -- DB user: when is this needed?

leave blank

> -- DB password: when is this needed?
leave blank

> -- Digest-Algorithm: What is the default if empty? MD5? What do you recommend?

> -- Encoding: What is the default if empty? What do you recommend?
leave blank

> -- Character set: What is the default if empty? What do you recommend?
leave blank

> Probably I have to enable the SecurityManager, too, right? Do you recommend to activate the protocolling, too?
yes, you need to activate the security (please check the glassfish
manual for all details)