Client side WSDL with multiple methods

From: <>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 07:14:46 PST

We have a legacy webservice/EJB application and its current client. We would like to shoehorn Glassfish ESB in between to take advantage of BPEL on some of the method calls.

Importing the existing WSDL works fine, however when it comes to building the component application the "Client side" of the component application exposes multiple WSDLs one for each method instead of a single WSDL that the legacy application exposes.

My question is, is there a way to write the CASA file (or get Netbeans to write it) to get glassfish to expose a single webservice instead of one for each method?

For example:
currently accessing http://localhost:8080/service?wsdl returns the service wsdl with 3 operations defined - op1, op2, op3.

Once the CASA is built (in netbeans) with 3 soap endpoints http://localhost:8080/service returns a 404 error and http://localhost:8080/service/op1?wsdl returns a WSDL with 3 operations (the defined client wsdl as does http://localhost:8080/service/op2?wsdl and http://localhost:8080/service/op3?wsdl However the wsdls are not identical.

Any help or clarification would be appreciated.

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