going Backward...

From: <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 12:54:16 PST

Recently, I was tasked to develop a full documentation set (reverse-engineer UML from code) and was told to use a 'freeware' UML-generating product from Omondo - but their free version only works in Europa (Eclipse). The project requiring the UML currently is working in Ganymede. So, I downloaded Europa-winter... Got it working as a stand-alone. Imported the project... Then, I tried to install glassfish using the "new" - "Server" function, was presented the dialog, clicked on 'Download additional server adapters' (since there were no glassfish or any sun servers listed). It went through the motions of downloading adapters and eventually I had a 'Glassfish' element to choose. I selected it and the system showed downloading components (and I could see in the plugins and features folders that indeed stuff got in there) and then asked to perform a restart. I did a restart... But, there is still no glassfish server... Eventually, digging through a bunch of stuff, I found when I went into the help - upgrade function and it went out searching the world for upgrades, the dialog that eventually came up showed an error stipulating Glassfish requires 'org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity (1.1.0)' or higher - and looking in both features and plugins, as well as researching the DTP area in eclipse and sourceforge, I see that I have all the required DTP elements... what is the problem, why can't I see my glassfish server and get the adapter working in Europa?

da Lizard
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