Re: Deployment with JSR88

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2009 10:56:24 -0500

Hi, Manish

> My web application (actually portal webapp) is using JSR 88 to deploy
> its other associated web applications (portlets).
> During the deployment is portlets, I get following message in the log.
> [#|2009-02-05T17:23:57.224-0800|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1||_ThreadID=16;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-4848-0;_RequestID=548a1ede-4467-4e4b-8c51-803cc37e76b5;|Not
> registering AMX MBean against old MBean
> "com.sun.appserv:j2eeType=WebModule,name=mycommunitiesportlet,J2EEServer=server,J2EEApplication=null,category=runtime"
> due to malformed composite WebModule name.|#]
Do you see the same log messsage if you deploy the application through
admin cli?

> What does this warning means? Is anything going wrong?
> I also observed that "application-ref" entry in domain.xml for my
> portlet is missing virtual-servers attribute.
> <application-ref disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true"
> lb-enabled="false" ref="sun-bookmark-portlet" />
This is expected. No virtual server attribute means the application will
be associated with all the virtual servers in this server instance. You
cannot specify the virtual server option through JSR88 API. If you want
the application only deployed to a specific virtual server, you can do
it through admin cli by using the --virtualservers option.

- Hong