Re: Thread Pool for the TimerServicer timeout actions?

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 18:38:01 -0800

TimerService doesn't have special thread pool to deliver timeouts. Feel free to
file an enhancement request under ejb-container subcategory.


Dobes Vandermeer wrote:
> Is there any way to control the number of thread spawned by the TimerService
> to process timeouts? Browsing the source code it *looks* like the
> TimerService always uses the default ThreadPool but I could be wrong. I'd
> like to limit the number of threads used to deliver timeouts to a particular
> bean to a more reasonable number - say 5 - instead of having it share the
> 200 threads in thread-pool-1 because otherwise I'll use up all the threads
> and all the database connections available.