semi-OT: scripting solution for simple prototypes?

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 20:59:25 +0100


not completely on-topic, nevertheless: At the moment I am in search for a
quick solution to do, well, "prototype development" in our glassfish
environment, quick, dirty and straightforward, yet not without being capable
of easily accessing our Java EE components in the backend system. So far I
see that glassfish does provide scripting facilities (jython, ruby), but so
far I do have no experience with either one of those in there... My idea
would be something like having a "scripts folder" on the glassfish server
where to dump .py / .rb / whatever files and having them accessible
immediately, without being required to redeploy/restart an application or
something like that... Will the current glassfish scripting facilities allow
for things like that? If so, how to get this set up and running to make it
work? Experiences with something like that, anyone? :)

TIA and all the best,