Re: docroot, soft links and mime types.

From: Peter Williams <Pete.Williams_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 21:44:55 -0800

Jan Luehe wrote:
> See
> In your case, you need to add a property with name "allowLinking"
> (and a value of "true") to the virtual server "server" (since there is no
> sun-web.xml).
Thanks. I'll make a note of this.
> MIME mappings should be added to the default-web.xml, in which case
> they should also be picked up by the "dummy web module" that serves
> requests from a virtual server's docroot.
Oddly enough, this worked after restarting the server (AS 8.2) either
the second or third time, can't recall which. It did not work after the
first restart. Weird.

> Jan
> On 02/24/09 04:23 PM, Peter Williams wrote:
>> I created a soft link under docroot for a glassfish V2.1 domain. The
>> link points to a folder.
>> This link is not accessible in the browser. This works perfectly
>> with no configuration changes in AS 8.2. What do I need to enable to
>> get this working in 9.1.1?
>> Also, where do I configure default mimetypes for odd file extensions
>> for static files served from docroot (that are being accessed
>> directly, not part of any web app)? Changes to default-web.xml do
>> not seem to affect this (not really surprising), but that's the only
>> public advice that I could find on this problem.
>> Thanks for any advice.
>> -Peter
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