docroot, soft links and mime types.

From: Peter Williams <Pete.Williams_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:23:56 -0800

I created a soft link under docroot for a glassfish V2.1 domain. The
link points to a folder.

This link is not accessible in the browser. This works perfectly with
no configuration changes in AS 8.2. What do I need to enable to get
this working in 9.1.1?

Also, where do I configure default mimetypes for odd file extensions for
static files served from docroot (that are being accessed directly, not
part of any web app)? Changes to default-web.xml do not seem to affect
this (not really surprising), but that's the only public advice that I
could find on this problem.

Thanks for any advice.