Re: ic.lookup throws (COMM_FAILURE) Blocking read failed exception

From: <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 02:11:47 PST

Hi, I'm currently having the same error message.
I've tried to put the JVM option specified, in order to increase the timeout.
But now it just waits 60 seconds before giving the same error :

ThreadName=p: thread-pool-1; w: 3;60000;67315;_RequestID=6cb27c4c-2b92-4083-aa4b-0e6c5e11e1f8;|"IOP00410229 : (COMM_FAILURE) Éche
c de la lecture bloquante, lecture d'octets supplémentaires attendue : durée maximale d'attente = 60 000 ms, durée totale d'atte
nte = 67 315 ms"
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 229 completed: No

It occurs on a GlassfishV2, running on Linux.
If you have other clues ...

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