Re: glassfish v2.1 today?

From: Sreeram Duvur <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 11:29:50 -0800

The release was moved to Jan 23rd. They had to respin the build due to
some last minute hitch..

You will get both sailfin and glassfish release on same day 1/23..
thanks for your patience.

NBW wrote:
> Wondering the same thing myself. Did Sailfin release?
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Alex Sherwin
> < <>> wrote:
> Is glassfish v2.1 still on schedule for release today? I've been
> checking the glassfish site throughout the day and haven't seen
> anything, nor any official build in the download directories...
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