Which mailing list to use?

From: Tero Mäntyvaara <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 11:49:35 +0200


I would like to know where should I send messages related to Duke's Bank
Case Study of the tutorial? I am not sure if the problem is with
GlassFish OR NetBeans OR user.

I am using Windows XP. I have installed JEE bundle package
java-tools-bundle-update6-windows.exe. Then I have downloaded and extracted it to C:\java so that
Duke's Bank project is in directory
Then with help of chapter 37 of the Tutorial I set up the application.

The problem:
When executing the client application with RUN command in NetBeans
6.1/6.5 I get straight the BankAdmin client. If I try to search customer
id 200 I get nothing but exception about null value in server monitor.
But if I execute the client with DEBUG command and give answer no to
question "is server running in debug mode" (or something) I get first
the login window. Entering correct values opens the actual client
application and then searching customer id gives the data from database
and no exception. And if I execute the client from command line I get
the same result than executing with RUN command in NetBeans.

Somehow the authentication is skipped running the client in normal mode.
 Is there anything to fix the situation?

Tero Mäntyvaara