Re: need PersistenceUnit configuration parameters

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 11:09:00 +0530

Martin Gainty wrote:
> Hello All
> Would anyone know the proper NetBeans 6.5 configuration for
> PersistenceUnit for PetStore 2.x Sample App?
> Here is a sampling of PersistenceUnit annotation from
> @PersistenceUnit(unitName="PetstorePu")
> private EntityManagerFactory emf;
> and here is persistence-unit-ref element from web.xml
> <persistence-unit-ref>
> <persistence-unit-ref-name>com.sun.javaee.blueprints.petstore.model.CatalogFacade/emf</persistence-unit-ref-name>
> <persistence-unit-name>PetstorePu</persistence-unit-name>
> <injection-target>
> <injection-target-class>com.sun.javaee.blueprints.petstore.model.CatalogFacade</injection-target-class>
> <injection-target-name>emf</injection-target-name>
> </injection-target>
> </persistence-unit-ref>
You don't really need persistence-unit-ref in web.xml unless you have
set metadata-complete=true in your web.xml. Otherwise, you can safely
remove <persistence-unit-ref> from your web.xml, as it you are already
using @PersistenceUnit in your code.
> AND the MASSIVE stack trace when attempting to run in Netbeans 6.5
The stack trace is caused while trying to look up the datasource your
persistence.xml is configured with. Have you created the datasource in
