WebServices Performance Question was -> Re: [Jean-Francois Arcand's Blog] New Comment Posted to 'Customizing GlassFish v2 with 23 unpublished properties.'

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:43:21 -0500

Just to keep a track on that thread so people from the WebService team
can comments.


-- Jeanfrancois wrote:
> A new comment has been posted on your blog Jean-Francois Arcand&#39;s Blog, on entry #8374 (Customizing GlassFish v2 with 23 unpublished properties.).
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> IP Address:
> Name: pccontac168
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> URL:
> Comments:
> I am using glassfish v2u2 on AMD 4200 with 3GRAM
> I wrote a simple web-service which response the total request count(a integer) in my local LAN environment.
> I tested the environment on Windows XP SP3 with just tuned my heap size to 1G.
> I used SOAPUI to test the concurrent access withe 0 delay.
> I used 2 clients with SOAPUI to access the same web-service on the same time.
> I could get about 800 request/response for each client.(my client CPU usage reach 100% then I could not increase anymore)
> The network usage for the client is only about 12%, for the server is only about 25% and CPU for the server reach about 99%.
> That means total 1600.
> I used the same client but switch the same server with CentOS 5.2 installed with GlassFish(SunApplicationServer Ed. 9.1).
> No matter I used 1 or 2 clients to connect to the server at the same time, the total request/response I can get is about 600 only.
> I even tuned my server with your advise, but the result is the same.
> My server's network usage is only about 1.7Mbit/s.
> I am wondering is the problem arise from the Linux, my networking environment or the GlassFish(Grizzly) limitation on CentOS?
> Or I have to configured anything I missed?
> I really appreciate your help.
> Best Regrads,
> Eric
> I