App Server 8.2 + Local transaction already has 1 non-XA Resource: + Sybase

From: <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 14:19:42 PST

Hi All,
I'm pretty much at wits end as I ask this, so any help is greatly appreciated. I currently have an application running in the Sun App Server 8.2. It has a custom workflow module that uses EJBs (QueueConnectionFactory and TopicConnectionFactory had been setup originally which I haven't modified). So far, this application really used one data source until the new module I've come to add, where in it now has a second data source set up (which references a different database server). The thing is that, when a call is made to load some data which includes obtaining a connection to the new data source, i get an error in the logs :

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Local transaction already has 1 non-XA Resource: cannot add more resources.
        at com.sun.enterprise.distributedtx.J2EETransactionManagerOpt.enlistResource(
        at com.sun.enterprise.resource.SystemResourceManagerImpl.enlistResource(
        at com.sun.enterprise.resource.PoolManagerImpl.getResource(
        at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.internalGetConnection(
        at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.allocateConnection(
        at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.allocateConnection(
        at com.sun.gjc.spi.DataSource.getConnection(

This only seems to happen when the call is made from the workflow module (the call is made to the same delegate/DAO that the rest of the application uses). I don't really have much of an idea about EJBs and their workings (including JMS) and wanted to know if there was something simple I was missing in any configuration that would need to be made to make this work correctly.

I'm connecting to a Sybase database for both resources set up and use JConnect 6 (jconn3) as the driver.
Using Sun App Server 8.2

Thanks for any input.
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