Re: Glassfish cluster failover

From: Peter Fabian <Peter.Fabian_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 13:19:14 +0100 wrote:
> At the moment I don't have anything in production. I'm in a process of learning what a Glassfish cluster can do, so I'm playing with it.
> In my test environment I have an Apache httpd with mod_jk pointing to a Glassfish cluster with one node and two instances. The cluster is using in-memory replication. I've deployed the clusterjsp application and it seems to work ok. If I stop the instance that served a request and issue a new request then the client is pointed to a working instance. Good so far. Now I have to test how reliable in-memory replication really is. In production I'd probably want to use Sun Glassfish Application Server with HADB.
> How is with EJBs in a cluster? Does cluster support fail-over for them too? How?
did you check the Stateful session bean failover section of the docs?

Peter Fabian
Sun Software
Sun corp