OpenMQ Webinar -- Friday Jan 9th, 11am PT...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 10:51:56 -0800

This week's webinar set is an overview of the new OpenMQ 4.3 release.
The presenters are Ed Bratt and Linda Schenider.

The presentation will have three segments. The first is a brief overview
about what's new in OpenMQ 4.3; the second segment focuses on UMS [1]
announcement_at_TA), including background, overview and setup and samples,
with clients based on AJAX, C# and Python and the final segment is an
overview on how to design and build a simple enterprise style
application with OpenMQ and some deployment examples.

This is a free, online, presentation. Details at [2]:

Presentation Date/Time:
  Jan 8th

Online at:

Concall (optional)
  Toll Free: (866) 545-5227
  Int'l Access: (215) 446-3648 (caller paid)
  Access Code: 3535518

Additional details at:

     - eduard/o