Re: asadmin start-node-agent timesout after 15 mins

From: Satyajit Tripathi <Satyajit.Tripathi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 19:33:31 +0530
Hi Luca,

Few questions :-
  1. Which is the operating system and on what hardware platform ?
  2. Which version of Java are you using ?
  3. Which build of GlassFish v2ur2 are you using ?

You may also want to execute the following command on machine1 (where DAS us installed) to verify the STATUS
${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin list-domains

Have you verified that the node agents directory is present under ${glassfish.home}

When you start the node agent use the following command
${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin start-node-agent --syncinstances=true <node2>

Log levels can be set during node creation using the following command
${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin create-node-agent  --agentproperties loglevel=INFO <node2>

Let me know the progress with your investigation.


PS: You may want to refer the Presentation  GlassFish-V2-Clustering-Simplified.pdf wrote:
Hi Satyajit,
thank you very much for your reply.
As regards what you are asking me to check, I can telnet machine1 on port 8686 this, imho, should prove that DAS is running and there are no firewalls blocking the communication.
I confirm that I created the node agent with a command similar to the one you mentioned (indeed machine1 reports rendezvousOccurred=true for the remote node agent).
At the moment I do not have a name assigned to my DAS so I need to use the ip address. Is this an issue?

I hava a further question. How can I rise the log level of the node agent? That might give me a clue of what the problem is.

Thanks again,
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