Re: [JMS] destination to another application server

From: <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 10:07:21 PST

i did it from weblogic to weblogic before in the following way.,.(in my earlier project)

@MessageDriven( maxBeansInFreePool = "1",
initialBeansInFreePool = "1",
defaultTransaction = MessageDriven.DefaultTransaction.NOT_SUPPORTED,
ejbName = "BillHistoryMsgBean",
destinationJndiName = "HSActionsTopic",
destinationType = "javax.jms.Topic",
durable = Constants.Bool.TRUE,
//durableSubscriptionDeletion = Constants.Bool.TRUE,
transactionType = MessageDriven.MessageDrivenTransactionType.CONTAINER,
acknowledgeMode = MessageDriven.AcknowledgeMode.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE,
jmsClientId = "LIS_DEV_BillHistoryMsgBean"


name = "HSActionsTopic",
destinationJndiName = "HSActionsTopic",
providerUrl = "t3://xx.xx.xx.xxxx:8034"

connectionFactoryJndiName = "ChartsConnectionFactory",
providerUrl = "t3://xx.xx.xx.xxxx:8034"
[Message sent by forum member 'bharas' (bharas)]