Re: Newbie: Should I run Glassfish when Tomcat is enough?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 00:37:56 PST

I have to say also that I'm with Gili on that one, and ,in my case, I'm not using GF because it does not suit my "development style". I have many medium-sized applications and I change between them quite often so:

.- I need to be able to "mount" an application very easily, and for me easy means editing one line in a config file. I don't want need a GUI for that. Moreover, I don't package my applications as war files, for the memory problems already mentioned, so I need to "mount" directories. This option is usually not very well documented.
.- I need to be able to start/stop the container very easily, and that usually means for me to click or double-click onto something. Command-line with parameters is fine for production where you don't do it so often. And no, I don't run containers inside IDEs because they are slow enough without the extra burden :).

And as Gili, I also have issues with "verbose" servers/libraries [b]by default[/b].

The times I tried GF, it did not seem to fullfill those requirements. It might be that I was not able to find how to do it in the documentation, but then it would be another issue ;).


PD:I'm not trying to "complain" about anything, but trying to provide some feedback, in case it helps.
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