Re: Embedded GlassFish with maven, glassfish:run, and JSPs and JSTL

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:00:53 -0800

On 01/29/09 06:17, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi,
> It looks like latest embedded GlassFish is now working with maven and
> glassfish:run. Fantastic!!
> But i am running into some issues with JSPs and JSTL.
> For the Jersey bookstore example we have developed some unit tests and
> i have been experimenting with the latest GlassFish bits. Everything
> seems to work fine when the tests are executed by the sure-fire maven
> plugin. However, when i run the application using glassfish:run i get
> errors when the application attempts to forward a request to a JSP,
> such as:
> SEVERE: ApplicationDispatcher[/bookstore] PWC1231: Servlet.service()
> for servlet jsp threw exception
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException:
> /com/sun/jersey/samples/bookstore/resources/Bookstore/index.jsp(4,60)
> PWC6188:
> The absolute uri: cannot be
> resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this
> application

I may be wrong on this, but I think I remember seeing an email by Byron
where he mentioned that
all the JSTL and JSF related TLD files were removed from the embedded
distribution, as a temporary
workaround for
  ("Cannot start jersey when not Internet Connected")

I have not verified this. Byron, can you confirm?


> I have attached the complete pom file and also the output from mvn -X
> glassfish:run.
> If i can resolve this then i suspect we can move over all the Jersey
> samples to use the latest embedded GlassFish bits for unit testing and
> execution.
> Any help would be much appreciated, thanks,
> Paul.
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