Re: Why is glassfish looking in docroot for my jspx file?

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 11:24:34 +0100

Humm... lots of dependencies here. I don't think I have the time to
reproduce, sorry.

Make sure you've read how to use the myfaces JSF implementation in
GlassFish :

Since you're saying the app deployed fine, I suppose there are no
exceptions in domains/domain1/logs/server.log and would suggest you
bump up the log level for the web container either using the web
console : Application Server > logging > log levels , or by editing
domains/domain1/config/domain.xml (look for <module-log-levels>)
to understand how your request is being translated to a call to a
static resource in docroot. Sounds like a servlet is not set up


On Dec 26, 2008, at 9:17, wrote:

> [b]>>Can you share your web.xml?[/b]
> Alexis. I must thank you for your response. And here is my web.xml
> (attached).
> I have just edited it, only to remove sensitive info, so if you find
> any typos or open tag, please ignore it--The web.xml has been tested
> for well-formedness prior to this last minute editing.
> In the past, I have even tried with a 'bare bone' web.xml but with
> no success. This problem is holding my work back, and I am already
> four days behind schedule trying to find the solution to the
> problem. What looks like a simple problem is now a major problem
> eating into project deadline.
> Indeed against my better judgment and experience (and advise to
> others), I am contemplating abandoning glassfish, at the middle of a
> project, for JBoss, which I have used over the years. We can't
> afford the time.
> Thanks again, Alexis, for your response.
> And my apologies for 'letting it out'--as if that would solve the
> problem.
> nuffsaidx
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