Re: [Jersey] Error pages when status != 2xx

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2008 10:37:30 +0100

On Dec 1, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi Rod,
>> In addition to what Craig states, which i think is good advice, i
>> am wondering if there is a way to configure servlet to stop
>> automatically adding an HTML error page to responses.
> From my experience, you get an error page from the app server *only*
> when an exception is actually thrown out to the server itself.
> Using an exception mapper in the manner I described avoids this,
> because the exception is (correctly) *not* thrown to the server.

When you return a response for the mapped exception do you always set
a response entity? I am guessing the underlying issue is that no
response entity is set in the response, so the servlet engine looks at
the status code and chooses a default response entity.

> In the poster's original example, AFAICT, there is no default
> exception mapper for WebApplicationException (which is something we
> in jersey-land should think about), so it *does* (again, AFAICT ...
> I use the exception mapper techniques, so I have never encountered
> this myself) get thrown out, and therefore causes the default app
> server behavior.

WebApplicationException is never passed through to the servlet layer
(tis a bug if that occurs). A WebApplicationException always contains
a Response instance, and mapping only occurs if the Response does not
contain an entity:

     private void mapWebApplicationException(WebApplicationException e,
             HttpResponseContext response) {
         if (e.getResponse().getEntity() != null) {
             onException(e, e.getResponse(), response);
         } else {
             if (!mapException(e, response)) {
                 onException(e, e.getResponse(), response);

     private static void onException(Throwable e,
             Response r,
             HttpResponseContext response) {
         // Log the stack trace
         if (r.getStatus() >= 500) {
             LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Internal server error", e);

         if (r.getStatus() >= 500 && r.getEntity() == null) {
             // Write out the exception to a string
             StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
             PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);

             r = Response.status(r.getStatus()).entity(sw.toString()).



> Craig
>> I am CC'ing the glassfish users list to see if anyone can help.
>> Paul.
>> On Dec 1, 2008, at 5:18 AM, Rod Fitzsimmons Frey wrote:
>>> Hi there. I’m having some trouble wrapping my head around
>>> ResponseBuilder and how it handles error flow conditions. My
>>> apologies if this question belongs on another list: I’m a refugee
>>> from rails and I’ve not quite internalized the various boundaries.
>>> My problem is that I’d like to respond to a REST request with a
>>> particular error code and nothing else, but I can’t get rid of the
>>> default Glassfish HTML error page. I’ve got a @Post method that
>>> returns the created object, which is annotated with
>>> @XMLRootObject. Works like a champ for the regular flow, but for
>>> duplicate create requests I tried to send a 409 Conflict:
>>> if(userDAO.findUserByEmail(email) != null) {
>>> throw new WebApplicationException(409);
>>> }
>>> Which when invoked with curl gave me the 409 as desired, plus a
>>> big XHTML error page. I have also tried changing the return type
>>> to a Response and using
>>> return Response.noContent().status(409).build();
>>> return Response.status(409).entity("").build();
>>> return Response.status(409).build();
>>> all of which return the HTML error page. I’ve tried sending 409s
>>> to a blank.html page in the web.xml but that didn’t work either (I
>>> found out why in an archive search here:
>>> I have a feeling this is a RTFM moment but I can’t find the
>>> appropriate M to FR. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Rod