Error in Listener Config

From: Burak Oguz <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 17:54:40 +0200

Hi all,

We are trying to setup Glassfish v3 with mod_jk support. We downloaded a
nightly build (03 Oct 2008) and tried to configure domain.xml like
Jean-François described in his blog(
After that we built a rpm package from that distro and domain.xml.

We could not make AJP connector work when we try to start/restart GF from
console. But when we save the listener configuration from admin
interface(4848) by clicking the save button on the top right corner, AJP
connector starts to listen 8009. After that we took the diff of before and
after configuration and we saw that admin console does not change any
configuration parameters to work the AJP Connector.

I have attached my domain.xml.

Thanx in advance..

- Burak