Re: Glassfish v3 and EJB

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 20:49:32 -0800 wrote:
>> Witt nb 6.5 (rc) and v3 prelude, you can
>> 1/ make sure the optional ejb container preview is
>> installed in v3 via
>> update center of Prelude
>> 2/ create a web app project
>> 3/ if you are on windows (bug not on unix), add the
>> ejb apis jar from
>> gfinstall/modules/ejb in the libraries of you project
>> 4/ create a servlet in your web project
>> 5/ create a java class in your web project
>> 6/ add the annotation(s) to make this pojo class an
>> EJB (@stateless,...)
>> In ejb3.x, Ejbs are simple Pojos with annotations, so
>> the need for a
>> complex IDE wizard is not mandatory. The key point
>> for this preview ejb
>> 3.1 in prelude is to test what will be the future EE
>> 6 spec, and it is
>> easy to try it.
>> So far, no MBD or Stateful beans, only Stateless
>> beans work in the
>> optional preview.
>> When EE 6 is ready, NetBeans will offer wizards to
>> help you creating and
>> using EJBs inside your web app, without the need for
>> ejbmodules or EAR
>> applications. Packaging will be really really simple.
> Ok, that is good explanation, but missed one small detail :)
> What about using regular jar file that contains just persistence entities, referenced in persistence.xml (<jar-file>my-entities.jar</jar-file>) and located under WEB-INF/lib .
> Can I use this jar file in war ejb3.1 oriented application?
I don't know, I only tried stateless EJBs inside a web app and called
via servlet and it worked well.
Did you try your scenario? I think it would not take long to see if the
container preview can support it or not.
Unless somebody (BCCed) developing this container already knows the
answer and is reading this thread.
Remember, it is a preview for prelude.
Nightly and promoted builds for v3 itself have the latest evolving
Any taker?
