Re: could someone explain what the JSESSIONIDVERSION cookie is used for?

From: Dick Davies <>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 21:41:34 +0000

Hi Jan, thanks for the response. See replies inline:

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 12:09 AM, Jan Luehe <> wrote:

> On 11/ 4/08 02:04 PM, Dick Davies wrote:

> So to clarify, this is something Glassfish (the appserver) is managing,
> rather than Roller (the webapp), am I right?
> Correct. Both the JSESSIONID and JSESSIONIDVERSION cookies
> are container-managed.

> Once I've logged in, Safari has 2 cookies
> JSESSIONID = <the session id>, path = /
> JSESSIONIDVERSION cookie , path = / , contents = /:43
> as i click around the webapp, the contents increments: /:44 , /:45 , etc.
> and the path remains as /.

> From your cookies, it seems that you've deployed Roller at the root context,
> i.e., "/". Can you please confirm?

That's right, yes.

> But logging in with Firefox 3

> JSESSIONID = <the session id>, path = / , (only send for encrypted
> connections)
> JSESSIONIDVERSION cookie , path = / , contents = /:1
> JSESSIONIDVERSION cookie , path = /default/resource/images/ , contents = /:2
> JSESSIONIDVERSION cookie , path = /roller-ui/, contents = /:1
> JSESSIONIDVERSION cookie , path = /roller-ui/styles/ , contents = /:4
> JSESSIONIDVERSION cookie , path = /roller-ui/theme/tan/ , contents = /:5

> What I don't understand is that you seem to be getting different cookies
> depending on what browser you are using. As mentioned above, the cookies
> in question are created and managed by the container, so they should not be
> affected by the browser in use.

I think the same headers are being sent to both browsers, they are
just interpreting
them differently.

> The container uses the webapp's context root as the cookie path, so I'm not
> sure I understand how you could end up with a cookie path equal to
> "/default/resource/images/" or "/roller-ui/theme/tan/". It looks like
> Firefox 3 is
> somehow manipulating your cookie paths, but I don't see how.

I need to look into this in more detail. It may be just a quirk of the way
Firefoxes (2 and 3) store/display their cookies and not the cause of
my problem at all.

It'd be good if someone could log into another roller/glassfish
installation with Firefox
and see what their cookies look like.

if anyone could log into and mail me the output maybe?
Or just a 'I get N JSESSIONIDVERSION cookies'?

> What you show as "contents" of the JSESSIONIDVERSION cookies
> is a concatenation of context-root and session-version pairings (in your
> case, there is only one such pair per cookie). ... version
> info for each of these sessions must be maintained as a separate
> context-root/session-version pairing.

> In this case, the cookie path would be configured to be equal to "/", so
> that each session may be resumed independently, and the context-root in each
> of the pairings will show the associated context's context root.
> Give the above, I'm not sure how you could end up with a cookie of this
> form:
> JSESSIONIDVERSION cookie , path = /roller-ui/, contents = /:1

Nor me - it seems that the path= part may be inserted by Firefox,
which just makes
it up from the request URL.

A simple action like logging in and clicking a few links produces a
silly amount of
LiveHTTPHeaders output, so I could be wrong....

> You may have already mentioned this earlier, but what version of GlassFish
> are you using?

Headers (which I'll be seeing in my dreams tonight I expect) say:

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun Java System Application Server 9.1_02

Thanks again.