Re: Error in Listener Config

From: Burak Oguz <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 12:05:43 +0200

Hi Jan,

First let me list rpm building steps I followed:

1. I installed a new GF v3 Prelude AS.(nightly build 03 Oct 2008)
2. I entered Admin GUI from port 4848
3. I added a new http-listener to port 8009 and added the property jkEnabled
= true from the GUI.
4. I clicked "Save" button from top right corner of the page.
5. Port 8009 started to listen (netstat output)
6. I restart the domain1 from asadmin command from command line.
7. Port 8009 started to listen again.
8. I checked Apache that if mod_jk is working and I saw it works.
9. I took domain.xml from
10. I downloaded zip version of the GF v3 Prelude AS.(nightly build 03 Oct
11. From the domain.xml and GFv3 zip I created an RPM package.
12. In post install section of RPM, it starts the GFv3.
13. Port 8181,4848,.... starts to listen. And I check them via browser.
14. Port 8009 does not start to listen.
15. I check my domain.xml whether it is correct and contains ajp related
http listener parameters.
16. I see them they are there.
17. I browse to Admin GUI to http-listener section. I see there the ajp
connector as http-listener-1 and registered in virtual servers.
18. I click the Save button on the top-right corner of the http-listener
edit page.
19. It starts listen port 8009. And I can use this connector over Apache via

And my final question is that. When I click that "Save" button, does that
click event modifies anything other than domain.xml?

Thanks in advance

- Burak

On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 2:55 AM, Jan Luehe <> wrote:

> Hi Burak,
> On 11/21/08 07:54 AM, Burak Oguz wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are trying to setup Glassfish v3 with mod_jk support. We downloaded a
> nightly build (03 Oct 2008) and tried to configure domain.xml like
> Jean-François described in his blog(
> After that we built a rpm package from that distro and domain.xml.
> We could not make AJP connector work when we try to start/restart GF from
> console. But when we save the listener configuration from admin
> interface(4848) by clicking the save button on the top right corner, AJP
> connector starts to listen 8009.
> Can you clarify what you mean by "console"? Normally, this refers to the
> admin gui, but you
> seem to be talking about the command line, and referring to the admin gui
> as the admin interface?
> Please list the exact steps you've followed in the case where you could not
> get the AJP connector
> to work.
> Thanks,
> Jan