Re: installing Glassfish on SUSE

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 20:34:01 +0100

Hi there;

vang08 schrieb:
> That may be true for other flavors of Linux. But not SUSE. Confirmed through
> other sources, Glassfish cannot be installed with Sun's Linux-version
> installer.

I'd give it a try nevertheless and eventually report back here providing
the exact exception thrown when installation fails. If so however, I'd
definitely bug the SuSE support folks as, by then, it's most likely to
be an issue with JDK provided with recent (Open)SuSE versions rather
than with Glassfish installer. Did install GFv2 on a bunch of Unix
systems the last couple of months (including Fedora/CentOS,
OpenSolaris/SXDE, Zenwalk Linux along with different releases of Ubuntu)
and never so far have seen any situation in which I didn't get Glassfish
installed, given using the same JDK on all these installations... SuSE
JDK is my first suspect in this case, honestly. :)
