Re: "shared" Entity beans in different applications?

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 17:57:06 -0700


Do you deploy each module separately or package them together into an ear file?

While it's not as nice, it can be better if you make your -entities.jar
duplicated in each archive that you deploy (if you deploy and -ejb.jar as a
separate module, you'd need to unpack -entities.jar so that -ejb.jar contains
entity classes directly).


Kristian Rink wrote:
> Folks;
> in the midst of slowly migrating to Java EE, I'm still struggling with,
> well, rather basic EJB3 related questions, hope asking them around here is
> not all that stupid (sorry if it is, after all):
> So far, using Spring in webapps, I used to build a shared "-api" .jar
> project to contain most of my domain classes along with DAO interfaces
> allowing to get them off some backend storage implementation. Having each
> relevant applications depending upon these "-api" .jars, coding seemed
> rather easy.
> Switching to EJB3 however, I tried to do the same thing in a rather simple way:
> - Built a "-api" .jar containing EJB3 entity beans representing my domain
> classes as stored in the backend DB along with ...FacadeRemote interfaces.
> - Created a set of EJB3 modules, one ("-service") to implement the
> ...FacadeRemote interfaces, and one ("-consumer"), both depending upon the
> "-api" one.
> - Created a stateless session bean in "-consumer" doing nothing more than
> trying to make use of the ...FacadeRemote interface in order to fetch an
> entity bean off the backend. Exposed this bean as a @WebService.
> Using the GFv2 web administration console's Web Service Tester for the
> @WebService in "-consumer", then, makes the whole mess fail dumping an error
> like this:
> [...]
> Caused by: javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Exception thrown
> from bean; nested exception is: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown
> entity
> bean class: class foo.entities.MyEntity, please verify that this class has
> been marked with the @Entity annotation.
> [...]
> Tried this so far in various combinations, each and every time again
> stumbling across errors like this (or others - having a ...FacadeRemote
> implementation in a different "project" than the Entity itself while trying
> to access a NamedQuery making the EntityManager complain about the
> NamedQuery being unknown).
> So, from that point of view: Is there a way of creating a module structure
> like this in EJB3, having entity beans known to a set of other modules
> depending upon them? I am not sure whether or not this question is simple,
> but after all it seems most of the tutorials (including the EJB3 books on my
> shelf) seem to be limited to different EJB modules distributed at the very
> least in a common .ear application which is not the case in my environment
> however.
> Help, anyone? :)
> TIA and all the best,
> Kristian
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