Re: Why Glassfish?

From: Dick Davies <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 13:49:55 +0100

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 3:35 AM, Ryan de Laplante <> wrote:

> We don't cluster, and have only one application installed on it so I can't
> comment on your other criteria.

We've picked Glassfish for just that reason, the clustering Just Works and seems

The only frustration with it is the number of webapps that insist on
trying to do
their own clustering (presumably because they're targeting Tomcat?)
and make a hash
of it. Dumb 'unclusterable' webapps, a Glassfish cluster and a shared
filesystem seems
to work well.

Also I'd recommend

* the admin UI
* asadmin / asant for command-line / scripted deployment and configuration
* latest JEE features
* Grizzlys (NIO) performance
* good docs
* excellent monitoring