Re: HTTPS SSL/TLS Grizzy connection slows down then dies

From: Russ Petruzzelli <Russ.Petruzzelli_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 21:33:40 -0700

How does it run with logging OFF?
You might try monitoring the server with VisualVM. I had similar
symptoms: turns out - in my case - all my request-processing threads
were blocked.

Alex Sherwin wrote:
> I've got a JSF app and I'm experimenting with performance between http,
> https and with and without JAAS security.
> When I access the page through SSL (JAAS turned off for simplicity), it
> works ok for a few request, but then begins to slow down until glassfish
> becomes unresponsive. I've turned up the Web Container logging to FINEST
> and don't see anything abnormal...
> When trying with blocking enabled, I change the acceptor thread count to
> 150, and when trying back to non-blocking, I lower it back down to 5
> threads. I have tried both blocking/non-blocking with both higher and lower
> acceptor thread counts each, as well.
> The main thread pool for the app server is set to 200.
> I'm using SJSAS 9.1_02 on Windows XP with JDK 1.5.0_15_b04
> I see there was an SSL related patch applied to SJSAS after the 9.1_02 final
> build (bug/patch: 128647-05), but I don't think that this is available for
> the Windows distribution (theoretically the host platform shouldn't matter,
> but I can't figure out how to get a hold of this patch to install into my
> glassfish install)
> I've also used Jean Francois' recommended Grizzly tuning options
> Is this related specifically to my SJSAS and JDK build? Any ideas... ?
> Alex Sherwin
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