HTTPS SSL/TLS Grizzy connection slows down then dies

From: Alex Sherwin <>
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 00:07:26 -0400

I've got a JSF app and I'm experimenting with performance between http,
https and with and without JAAS security.

When I access the page through SSL (JAAS turned off for simplicity), it
works ok for a few request, but then begins to slow down until glassfish
becomes unresponsive. I've turned up the Web Container logging to FINEST
and don't see anything abnormal...

When trying with blocking enabled, I change the acceptor thread count to
150, and when trying back to non-blocking, I lower it back down to 5
threads. I have tried both blocking/non-blocking with both higher and lower
acceptor thread counts each, as well.

The main thread pool for the app server is set to 200.

I'm using SJSAS 9.1_02 on Windows XP with JDK 1.5.0_15_b04

I see there was an SSL related patch applied to SJSAS after the 9.1_02 final
build (bug/patch: 128647-05), but I don't think that this is available for
the Windows distribution (theoretically the host platform shouldn't matter,
but I can't figure out how to get a hold of this patch to install into my
glassfish install)

I've also used Jean Francois' recommended Grizzly tuning options

Is this related specifically to my SJSAS and JDK build? Any ideas... ?

Alex Sherwin