Cluster / SSO questions

From: <>
Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2008 06:26:58 PDT

Quick questions/conversation for you GlassFish gurus.

I see the basic cluster setup and its pretty simple so hopefully my questions are simple to answer. I didn't get any definitive answers in my first reading of the documentation.

1) Does GlassFish require a SSO solution to be setup (such as OpenSSO) to allow a cluster spread across multiple servers to work for secured applications? We're using form based login on our secured apps and I'm wondering what the mechanism is for GlassFish to trust requests that come from failed over sessions on another instance in the same cluster.

2) For testing that a cluster is working is there a requirement for a load balancer or can you simply change the URL from http://<serverinstance1>/appname to http://<serverinstance2>/appname and see the session state from serverinstance1? It seems like you'd just get a new Session ID on serverinstance2 and start a new session - so what's the catalyst, if any for the second instance to know it should pick up a session from a failed instance?

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